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• Combines the performances of different mechanical manometers, allows measurements in the workshop and on the road through microprocessor controlled
sensors of pressure, vacuum and temperature.
• Useful for workshops, project laboratories and engine servicing, industrial, civil pneumatic and hydraulic systems, schools and professional training centres.
• Displays minimum, average and maximum pressure and vacuum, stores data, prints numerical data, graphs and histograms, through the portable printer (optional).
• RS 232 port for sending data to PC, graphic, numerical and histograms’ colour display on PC screen, ticket printout through computer printer.
• KIT 600 couplings kit and illustrated manual (optional) for measurements and diagnosis of: vacuum of intake manifolds and servomechanisms, fuel pressure, oil,
radiators, turbocompressors, tyres, A/C, cylinder compression of petrol engines.
• KIT 800 of false injectors and KIT 850 of false glow plugs (optionals) for cylinder compression measurements of Diesel engines, Diesel and GDI injection pressure.
• Pressure sensors:
PS 32: –0.99 ÷ 31bars, (from –14 to 450 psi)
PS 250 (optional): 0 ÷ 250 bars, (from 0 to 3625 psi)
• Temperature sensor PT 1000: –20 ÷ 230°C
• S 16 (optional) printer, 12 V power supply
• Power supply through rechargeable internal accumulators
• 3-
• RS 232 serial port
• Dimensions: 18 x 10 x 4.5 cm
• Weight: 350 g approx.